REVIEW: Nabisco Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies

Nabisco Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies

Here’s a fun fact: a Cinnabon Classic Roll has 880 calories, 37 grams of fat, 17 grams of saturated fat, 820 milligrams of sodium, 127 grams of carbohydrates, 58 grams of sugar, and 12 grams of protein.

Here’s another fun fact: the amount trees needed to make the napkins used per year by those eating the messy Cinnabon Classic Roll equals to 197,000,000 square miles of rainforests.

Okay, that last “fun fact” is a complete lie and the entire surface of the Earth is 197,000,000 square miles, but, I swear, I use five or six napkins whenever I eat Cinnabon.

Cinnabon’s huge Classic Rolls are yummy, but they have the nutritional content of a meal and make my hands sticky enough that I wonder if I could climb walls with them. But what if you want cinnamon bun flavor without the huge amount of calories and mess?

Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies might work.

Nabisco Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies 2

The new variety is the first with a cinnamon flavored cookie, which looks like a Golden Oreo wafer that’s spent some time in a tanning salon. There are red specks baked throughout the cookie, but, even though the sweet spice is listed as an ingredient, I’m not sure if they’re cinnamon, just red specks to give it the appearance of cinnamon, or if my cookies have the measles. Whatever they are, they make the cookie taste similar to Cinnamon Teddy Grahams.

Nabisco Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies 3

As for the creme, it looks like plain ol’ Oreo stuff, but softer. So if you’re one of those people who likes to twist off a wafer and lick the creme, it probably won’t come off clean. The creme’s flavor is also a bit like what’s on a plain ol’ Oreo, but lighter, not as sweet, and with maybe a tinge of cinnamon.

When I lick the creme, all I think about are glazed donuts. Mmm…donuts. I was hoping these had the cream cheese-flavored creme found in the Red Velvet Oreo, but the creme is still great.

The cookie as a whole tastes Holy Cow Awesome and I think it does a great job at getting the right balance between cinnamon and frosting. They also smell wonderful. Although if you’re a Cinnabon employee, they probably smell like work.

But if you want to make them slightly more Holy Cow Awesome, heat one up for 10 seconds in the microwave oven. (Hat tip to the anonymous commenter who suggested that.) The creme gets a little gooey and it’s warm like an actual cinnamon bun.

With new Oreo flavors there’s usually a “Limited Edition” printed on the package, but that’s not the case with these. They’re a new regular flavor, like original Oreo, Cool Mint, Peanut Butter, and Birthday Cake, which I’m glad about because I would hate to have to send angry, profanity-filled emails to Nabisco demanding they bring them back if these delicious cookies were limited edition.

I’ve tried two dozen Oreo flavors over the past few years. Most of them are good to great, and a few are mediocre. But none of them are horrible. And none have been unbelievably spectacular…until now.

I think the Cinnamon Bun Oreo stands above all the flavors. Not only does it have the flavor, but just the little things like those red specks in the wafer and the use of softer creme to emulate a cinnamon bun’s frosting make eating the cookie more of an experience. These are my new favorite Oreo cookies and I think you’ll love them too.

(Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 150 calories, 60 calories from fat, 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 70 milligrams of sodium, 15 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 13 grams of sugar, less than 1 gram of protein.)

Item: Nabisco Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies
Purchased Price: $3.50
Size: 12.2 oz.
Purchased at: Times Supermarket
Rating: 10 out of 10
Pros: Unbelievably spectacular. Flavor does remind me of a cinnamon bun. Not a limited edition. Tastes slightly better when warmed up. Red specks in wafer and softer creme are a nice touch.
Cons: The nutritional numbers for a Cinnabon Classic Roll. Softer creme makes it harder to cleanly twist off wafer.


16 responses to “REVIEW: Nabisco Cinnamon Bun Oreo Cookies”

  1. A perfect 10! Glad you have a new favorite, and glad to know I’m not the only one struggled to twist off the cookie. When I saw your photo of a clean twist-off, I audibly mouthed “Impossible.”

  2. Nina

    Wow, that’s quite the endorsement! Kind of weird that Nabisco has only now come out with a cinnamon bun Oreo after such weird ventures as watermelon and fruit punch Oreos. This seems like such a logical cookie flavour. Dunno if these will ever make it to Canada, and even if they do, I’m not sure whether I’d risk the regret I’d feel after buying and probably consuming the entire bag upon bringing it home…but I do love reading these reviews! I eat these vicariously through you!

  3. Ben P

    Wow! 10 out of 10 AND Marvo’s new favorite Oreo. That’s high praise.

    I really enjoy these, but I’m not quite ready to call these my outright favorites yet (the original Oreo is tough to beat). Top five, for sure. Major tip of the hat to Nabisco for the depth of these cookies–from the cinnamon, to the tang of the “icing,” to even a bit more of a “baked” flavor. These Oreos are a great addition to the family.

  4. I guess I’m just not getting these as some others are. They’re fine. Sweet. Rich. Fine. A reasonable cookie interpretation of a cinnamon bun, even. But that’s about it. The only new flavor I’ve wanted to clear the shelves of is the Peanut Butter Cup. I don’t think these are even close to those.

    1. Barbara B

      I agree. I give the Peanut Butter Cup ones a 10. They are the only thing my college student son asked me to send him, but alas they are no more.
      Cinnamon Bun is an 8 for me. Which doesn’t mean I won’t be eating far too many of them!

    2. Alison

      Agreed, way too sweet for me, but that’s because I’m a chocolate person. My two teenage boys even said they’re too sweet/ But, I do get a kick out of trying these different flavors, even if I eat just a couple and bring the rest in to work (they’ll eat just about anything… 😉

      And yes, a 10 to the peanut butter cup ones – yum!

  5. megan

    I wish they had a tad bit more cinnamon, but they are my current favorite. Gingerbread is still my number one. I never did find the cotton candy.

  6. Jason Amburgey

    Definitely didn’t think they were a 10. More like 5.5 or 6. Out of the 32 flavors I’ve had, I still haven’t had any that tops the Banana Split and Strawberry Milkshake.

  7. I noticed this flavor on the store shelf yesterday and was in awe! It sounds incredible and after reading the review, I’m definitely eager to try them!

    1. alan rodriguez

      oreos and their fanbase.. never ceases to amaze me.. smh.. dot care for oreos and their many flavors.. seriously quit u fool

      1. Jake

        Gosh it’s almost like people have opinions other than you.

  8. xdestitutex

    Since i was able to try Oreo Minis with Reeses PB Flavor last weekend and i fell in love with them i really am jealous of you… all the amazing sounding flavors… i’m happy we have the original oreos here xD

    I tried to get an answer to that question in the news about the cinnabon oreos before, but is heating up oreos a thing? Dows anyone know if original oreos or PB oreos will benefit form heating them up too? ^^

  9. Leela

    Two of my favorite things combined. I’ll be trying these soon..

  10. ibagoalie

    If you have any pull with Nabisco, can you get them to offer sampler packs of these flavors, or a variety pack. I want to try ALL the new Oreos, but don’t want to to be stuck with an entire package. Alas, I work out of my house, so I can’t even leave these in the office breakroom.

    1. Barbara B

      Lol at “can’t even leave these in the office breakroom”.

  11. Irish cream oeros